Monday, May 21, 2018

Photographer Essay-Jim Richardson

A photographer I was inspired by this semester was Jim Richardson. He is a landscape photographer who works for National Geographic and is one of the contributing editors of National Geographic TRAVELER. He has been a photographer for over 30 years. Richardson began liking photography at a young age, teaching himself how to develop film and make prints in his family’s kitchen in rural Kansas. In college he got a job talking photographs for the school’s newspaper, which led to a photo internship with The Topeka Capital-Journal. From working with this newspaper he was able to get some special assignments and work for other newspapers like The Denver Post. This work is what eventually led him to be discovered by the editors of National Geographic. Richardson did his first assignment in 1984-15 years after he first began pursuing photography. He has been working for National Geographic ever since then, now completing about 30 different assignments for the main magazine and 15 for National Geographic’s sister magazine, TRAVELER.
 I was inspired by Jim Richardson because my absolute dream is to be able to work for National Geographic. I really enjoy studying environmental science and I also love taking photos so I’m hoping that one day I can combine the two-travelling the world to study the environment, writing and publishing articles, and documenting it by a lot of photos. Richardson specializes in solving the problem of hunger, so by working with National Geographic he is able to study what he loves-world issues-and do what he loves-taking photos. That is one of the reasons I’ve been inspired by him. After I saw one of his photos that I really liked in my NatGeo magazine I looked him up to see more of his work and found his biography. So aside from taking really great photos, I’m just  encouraged by his job and the work he put in to get there.
Richardson’s photos are pretty breathtaking. He shoots a wide range-landscapes, documentary, portraits-but they’re all amazing. Sometimes in photography you have to infer what is going on in the picture and what the story behind the photograph is, but his photos really tell those stories for you. Colorful and diverse, his photos are not only interesting but just taken with such care, something that only comes from years of dedication, practice, and natural talent.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Assignment 3

Painting with light/light trails 

Assignment 1

No makeup shoot-natural beauty 

Assignment 2

This shoot was originally supposed to be a vintage style shoot, but after I took some impromptu photos of my friend at sunset and really liked them I decided to use them as my second assignment.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Print show photos

Category: people
paper: semigloss 

Category: place
paper: metallic

category: thing or maybe open 
paper: metallic 

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Assignment plans

Assignment plan #1
Shoot: Bare-faced portraits of strong & beautiful women :-))
Inspiration: Saw a similar kind of women-empowerment photoshoot and liked the idea behind it, but didn't want to take just plain portraits of people. I want to showcase the beauty of girls w/o makeup
Models and location: ideally I'd like to take these in the studio, but idk how many people I'm going to be able to find who will come in during class not wearing makeup, and I can't come in early because of silver stars. So I'll probably set up a makeshift studio in my house/outside. Hoping to get at least 7 people (hoping for 10-15) of all different ages. Ex: friends from school, my mom, my sister, etc. Can't decide if I want them more serious (like the first 2) or silly/fun like the last 2.

Assignment plan #2:
Shoot: Vintage. Diner, roller blades, colorful, etc
Inspiration: I have a pair of roller blades that I've always wanted to do a photoshoot with, and I also just really love vintage stuff.
Models/location: My sister Lauren. She has a really cute and kind of already vintage style and I hardly ever get to take pictures of her so hopefully she'll let me. Location: tbd. I'd love to actually shoot in a roller rink or some type of diner, but we'll see about that.  

Assignment #3:
Shoot: Painting with light (night photography) 
Inspiration: I really enjoyed the night photography shoot we did last year (especially the painting with light) so I want to expand on that and explore some other things that I can illuminate with light at night (or with a dark background)
Models and location: No models, but I need cool things to take pictures of. Last time I took a pic of my car and it was really cool because the light reflected on the car, so I definitely want some more reflective objects. Possibly some bottles hanging in a tree or something of the sorts. 

inspo pic from last year

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Prompt shoot

At least I did one homework assignment during spring break 

Good v. Evil-rainbow versus storm (even though I love storms and do not think they are evil in the slightest :-))

couldn't choose between these two

Reflections-reflection of sun on ocean from Diamond Head 

Painting nature-If I could paint this would definitely be something I would love to watercolor

Eras/retro-kind of a stretch but I feel like lighthouses are kind of out of date? Even if not they at least  remind me of the past 

Remembrance-USS Arizona Memorial

Distortion-Pearl Harbor Memorial