Thursday, December 3, 2015

Fashion photography

Model 1
Her lips were enlarged, her neck was lengthened, her eyes were enlarged and her eyebrows were set closer to her eyes, her face was trimmed on the sides, and her neck/shoulders were trimmed.

Model 2
Her face was blurred, her lips were colored and enlarged, her eyes were enlarged, her shoulders brought up, her body was trimmed, her legs were lengthened, her arms were lengthened, her neck was lengthened, and her whole body was painted in a shiny tan.

Model 3
Honestly there was too much to even recap, but some prominent changes made were that her body was completely trimmed, she was given long hair, her head was shrunk, and her nose was lengthened.

1. It is NOT IN ANY WAY ethically acceptable to change a model's appearance this much for a photo.
2. Without the consent of the model, or if a company was selling a certain product and used the photoshopped model to advertise.
3. Changes that mayyyyy be okay include the removal of blemishes and changes to exposure and lighting.
4. Fashion photography is created to please the eye. It doesn't tell a story (usually) and it relys on the model to "sell", so anything that can be done to sell the product or clothing better will be done. Photojournalism conveys a message and isn't made to look pretty. The photos are often taken environmentally or informal, without the subject's knowledge of the photo being taken (if it includes a subject).
5. To warn about the dangers of photoshop, and to not believe that just because a picture is in a big magazine or on a large billboard it can't be changed.
6. All of these videos about changing the bodies of models were of women because there is a harsher standard for beauty among females. The ideal features of a woman are often not accessible or realistic, so photo manipulation is often necessary to achieve the desired look. 

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