Monday, April 4, 2016

My first interview

1. What was your reaction when you found out you were named student of the month?
I was super happy because I've been working for this for a really long time. I've been studying and doing all my homework, and doing extracurricular activities to get this award. 

2. Why do you think you have earned this title?
I think I deserve it because I've worked so hard and have a 4.0 GPA.

3. How do you apply yourself in school (academics)?
I study all night, every night, I ask questions in class, and I do all of my homework. 

4. How do you apply yourself for extracurriculars?
I devote a lot of time to my extracurriculars by practicing a lot.

5. What are your strongest assets?
I'm very persistent, and I make sure that I do everything I can to succeed and be the best I can be. 

6. Your weakest?
Sometimes I procrastinate. Since I study a lot, I also sometimes don't get enough sleep so I'm tired at school. 

7. What do you do outside of school?
I'm in Marching Band.

8. How have your teachers helped you in being named student of the month?
My English teacher was the one who recommended me. She thought I was doing well in my classes so she recommended me to the principal. 

9. How did your parents react when you received this title?
They were super proud of me. They told me that my hard work has shown and I've grown a lot. 

10. How does it feel to be given this title?
It feels good. I'm really happy to be given this title, and I'm happy that all my work has come to this. 

11. How much time do you dedicate to schoolwork?
8 hours of school, plus about 4 or 5 hours at home that I dedicate in the evenings to my schoolwork.

12. How much time do you dedicate to extracurriculars?
About 2 hours. 

13. How difficult was the journey to get this title?
It was pretty difficult. I could have worked harder, but I definitely put in a lot of work and time to get this title and to be the best that I can be. 

14. How do you think people view you?
I think people view me pretty well, I'd hope, and I don't think anyone hates me for being student of the month. 

15. Why are you different from  the past students of the month?
Most of them were really focused on one thing. They were either focused on just extracurriculars or just academics. I like to think I'm the first student that is good in both. 

16. How are you rewarded for achieving this title?
I have a scholarship to the University of my choosing. 

17. How do you think you should be rewarded?
I think that's pretty good. I could be recognized more within the school, however. 

18. What does being named student of the month mean to you?
It means that in this month I am the most hardworking and dedicated student, which means a lot to me. 

19. What responsibilities come with being student of the month?
I have to continue to work as hard as I have, and continue to know as much as I know. I can't let it slip now that I've got this title. 

20. What advice can you give to students hoping to receive this title?
Just work as hard as you can and be the best you can be. 

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